Friday, December 4, 2015

December Prayer Letter

 Thought I would try something new this Christmas. Below is a copy of our latest December Christmas Prayer Letter. We invite you to take time to read it and then pray for us and the ministry here in N.W. Wisconsin.


  Can you believe that Christmas is only 21 days away! Where has the year gone? Attached you will find our December/Christmas Prayer letter and a copy of the Post & Pray. We would like to add a couple of prayer request for our church family. 
  1. Be in prayer for Bill M. For the past 2 years he has lung cancer and is now sleeping most of the time. He never complains and takes everything in stride. I was able to visit with him the other day and he is in good spirits. He made several Thanksgiving cards that he wants me to give to the people at church from him. But that is Bill! 
   2. Also be in prayer for Lanny R's family. At age 74 he passed away the other day. When he used to come to our church he would play his guitar or harmonica every Sunday for special music. He had a very simple but real faith and we will miss him greatly. 

  Thank you so much for paying and for your encouragement. 

   Have Great Christmas and a Blessed New Year in the Lord! 

   If you could drop us a line or even wish us a Merry Christmas to let us know that you received this Prayer Letter, that would really help us. Thanks... 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

InFaith Fellowship

The first 3 days of this week we spent at Camp Chetek, in Chetek, Wisconsin with other InFaith missionaries from Wisconsin and the UP of Michigan. It was a great time of sharing, fellowship and simply letting our hair down and enjoying one another. Here are some of the pictures from our time together. Feel free to download and use as you want. Hopefully they will help keep our time together fresh in our minds and hearts.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Promising Photographer

Once in a great while a promising photographer comes along and you can see real potential in them. Today our Grand daughter (Afton) was at our house a asked if she could take a few pictures with my camera. I let her use a little point and shoot Sony camera. She went around the house and took several photos of different items. One thing I noticed is that she took her time and set yup her shots. These photos may not be perfect, but they do show promise. Of course, you may realize that i am just a proud grandpa. Take a look and let me know what you think - Thanks -

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

  So far this summer we have conducted 3 VBS: 2 at area churches and one at Casey Town Hall, about 8 miles from us in the middle of the woods. At Casey we had 16 kids attend. One of the unique things about this Town Hall is that it does not have a bathroom, so we have to pay for a porta potty to be brought in. The kids really love this. It beats the old out house that we used to use. Three teenage girls were our helpers and did a great job. July 12th - 16 we will be conducting VBS at Grace Life Church in Anoka, MN. The next week we will be at Trego Community Church in Trego, Wi. 
Please pray for:
1. The VBS's that are already done and for the lives of the kids and helpers. Pray for Grace Life and Trego that God would provide workers and above all kids for those 2 weeks. Pray for the salvation of those who come who do not know Jesus as Savior, yet.
2. August 1 - 7, will be North Land Bible Camp. Pray for Paul Frey as he directs camp and for the other 40 adult staff that will help in various positions. Above all pray for the campers that come that God will work in their lives. August 1st will be Staff day at camp getting ready for the campers to come and some training time for new workers. Pray for the finances of camp this year as food prices have gone up as well as the cost to rent the camp. Having an extra Staff day will also increase our costs, but will be worth it. Camp Webpage: Check it out!
3. Pray for the Barron Church as we have several projects that need to be done and WE NEED HELP to get them done. The parsonage is long over due to be re-painted and the rain gutters need to be fixed before winter. The church also has a short handicap ramp that needs to be re-done, along with a few other projects. Please be in prayer for either a church to partner with us in these projects or for some volunteers that would be willing to give of some time and energy.
   Also be in prayer for a new or like new Lawn Tractor. The old one (32 years old) is beyond repair. The church simply does not have extra money ($1400.00) to buy a tractor at this time, so pray that God will provide.

   THANK YOU for praying and for caring! 
Frank & Linda Distad
P.O. Box 98  Trego, WI. 54888
715-635-9426  or  715-939-0601

Friday, June 26, 2015

Casey VBS Song

Casey Town Hall today. Kids singing "Fixing my eyes on you". Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Casey Town Hall VBS

Linda and I came to Wisconsin in 1987 and started to conduct VBS in 1988. One of the Bible Schools was at Casey Town Hall. Most years there would be 15 - 25 kids that would attend each year. It is easy to get discouraged and think that we are not reaching many kids in the area. But if you add up all the different kids that have attended over the years, it would be quite a few. More important, many of those kids gave their life to the Lord at that little town hall in the woods. We led several kids to the Lord right on the steps that go into the town hall. Ever so often we hear from those kids that came during the early years. Many of them are still living for the Lord and remember those times with great joy. Now some of the kids that come are the children of the ones that came in the early years. We must be getting old! Many of them have attended our camp and several have helped us as Summer Missionaries, teaching and doing puppets at Casey Town Hall and the other VBS's.
   Every year that we have used the town hall, we would go a day early, clean things up and set up for VBS. For the first few years we even had an outhouse that we had to clean. That was a dirty job with lots of dust and spider webs. During the rest of the year it was mainly used by hunters a few times a year. In the last few years we have had to use a "porta potty", which was brought in for the week. If someone asked us what we use the kid's offerings for most of it, if not all of it, is used to pay for the use of that porta potty.
First Photo: 25 years ago at Casey Town Hall. Last 2 photos taken today.

This week we are back at Casey Town Hall with 16 kids attending and teaching S.S. Charlie. The kids are all full of wiggles and giggles, but most of all they are full of life. Pray for them that God will continue to work in their lives and develop them into missionaries and servants for His glory.