This past week we had camp in Lake Nebagamon, Wi. with 73 campers and 30 staff. It was a picture perfect weather week and we had the best of staff. God used this week to teach me some great lessons. In the middle of the week we had some tension at camp and even though it was uncomfortable, it was also a teaching moment. Right in the middle of it one of the cabin leaders handing me 3 small yellow decision cards. A couple were for salvation and one for commitment to the Lord. God so graciously showed us that we needed to re-focus our hearts on Him and the reason why we were there - to reach boys and girls for Christ.
The other amazing thing God showed us is that He is sovereign and totally in control. Two of the girls wanted to go home in the middle of the week. I called their mother to talk with her and she could not come because of a flat tire. God had a purpose in keeping those girls at camp. One of them committed their life to the Lord on Thursday. Praise God for "flat Tires" and His sovereignty.