One of the things I am learning during these winter months is that sometimes you just have to sit back and wait for the weather to break. This morning we were supposed to have our church service at Barron, but we canceled because of the snowy roads. The snow from yesterday had quit and the sky was clear, but the windchill was below zero and the roads were very slippery. Instead of traveling 42 miles south to church, we traveled about 1 mile to Trego Community and joined them today. Linda went to their Christmas program tonight. Linda's mom called tonight and told us that Linda's nephew and his wife and child were in a 30 car pile up on Highway 94 this afternoon. Their car was totalled as it was hit from behind and in the front. Scott lost 3 teeth and his face was cut up and they are keeping him overnight to check for a concussion. Lornell and the baby are all right.
I thought this picture of the bush in our yard was quite interesting with the red berries showing in the snow covered bush. The Lord was reminding me that even in the midst of snow storms there is life and blessing.